NeilC – Neil Cannon Health Your Personalised Approach To Reversing Inflammation And Healing Your Body Thu, 21 Mar 2019 19:30:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194775361 E-Motion Documentary – My Notes Mon, 18 Mar 2019 19:10:19 +0000 Today, I watched E-Motion again. Every time I learn new gems of content. I chose to watch it with my parents and have taken a ton of notes I wanted to share with you. The premise in this documentary is how our trapped emotions can quite literally create imbalance and dis-ease in our body. One of the experts featured is Dr Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code; How to Release Your Trapped Emotions For Abundant Health, Love And Happiness.

E-Motion Documentary – My Notes

  • At the core of every stress is an emotion buried deep in the subconscious mind
  • The human body is nothing but energy
  • Emotion = Energy in motion or energy in movement
  • Every emotion has a vibrational frequency
  • A trapped emotion is like a ball of energy – electromagnetic energy
  • The only disease that exists is chaos at the atomic level
  • Symptom = sign of chaos
  • Stress causes vibrational field to get weaker
  • The American Medical Association estimate 80% of all chronic health challenges are stress-related
  • All of these negative emotions that have built up over our past equate to what we know as a “normal state of consciousness” [which is far from ideal]
  • Chemicals of stress down-regulate our genes
  • The emotion of anger is stored in liver. The emotion of grief is stored in lungs. [Every organ can demonstrate which negative emotions are experienced chronically]
  • Our emotions are a record of the past which means the body is living in the past
  • We are taught to resist things that do not feel good – avoidance/sweeping things under the rug
  • We have a physical body and we have an energy body
  • We repeat negative patterns of behaviour on an subconscious level
  • The subconscious mind holds the key to why there is illness
  • Headache example: When you focus on it, it gets worse
  • There is no doubt that chronic physical pain is a result of trapped negative emotions
  • Pain in the body can disappear when you get to the core of the emotion, and release it. [We can flip it / create new meaning]
  • Symptoms are your body crying out to let you know that there is imbalance
  • Changing how you relate to stress changes your body and changes your life experience
  • There is no mistake in the body that creates disease
  • Every symptom is a conversation: observe symptoms / stress – what is it trying to communicate?
  • You can eat a super healthy diet, be physically active, do yoga every day – and still, your body can present illness to you. So there is something deeper going on…emotionally
  • Emotions are the end product of past experiences
  • Instead of resisting emotions, feel them, experience them, get curious, ask questions
  • “If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got”
  • A mood = an event that happened 5 days ago (example). Weeks pass, months pass, and that mood turns into a temperament (9 months ago). When that refractory period continues, you end up with a personality trait. It can literally form your personality.
  • Placebo Effect proves the body can heal itself [The mind is so powerful that when you take a sugar pill and believe it’s a drug, it triggers the body to secrete its own pharmacy of chemicals to trigger healing.]
  • The sugar pill works when the person will see, visualise and feel the healing – to create the healing
  • Nocebo effect – opposite occurs when the person takes a drug, has no belief in its power to heal, and that is what is brought into reality 
  • Fake Radiation experiment – 1/3 of people who were told that they were exposed to radiation lost their hair. [Not the most fun experiment to be a part of!]
  • Most people are conditioned to expect the worst, they do not look at opportunity – they have become programmed from hurt in the past – trapping emotions, leading to personality traits
  • When a doctor says there is no cure, what they really mean is ‘There is nota surgery or drug that will cure this.’  SO IMPORTANT TO KNOW!!!]
  • Quote: ““People have given their health to their doctor, their money to their banker, their soul to the preacher, their children to the school system, and in doing so, have lost the power to control their lives.” John Pope, Native American Medicine Man
  • Trapped emotions can lead to self-sabotage
  • Releasing the emotions is like pealing the layers off an onion
  • As you release the trapped emotions, you reveal the true essence of who you are
  • The subconscious mind emits like a broadcasting antenna
  • Baby in Womb: if there is tension between its mother and father, the energy is transferred into the baby. If a baby is born and feels unloved, throughout life, will attract whatever matches their belief system
  • Subconscious mind is holographic storage of everything that has happened
  • Relationship example: frustration / jealous – people will recreate those patterns and repeat them time and time again
  • We become addicted to our emotions – negative or positive!
  • If brow chakra is blocked, it’s hard to get into a deep meditative state 
  • Spontaneous cancer remission – #1: Find New Meaning / Passion For Life
  • Give thanks for what you want as if you already have it
  • What is my purpose? What is my passion? Fill-in the blank. “If I were not afraid I would_____________”
  • Start a project / create something that becomes a PASSION
  • Panic / fear / anxiety all stems from trapped emotions
  • The tapping method allows now to mix up the record – by going inward 
  • All problems were created in the past
  • DEPRESSION suggestions: 1) Get into sunlight and walk, 2) Consume orange and yellow coloured fruits and vegetables, wait for 72 hours and see what happens
  • RESEARCH STUDY – clinically depressed people were shown an equal number of images or weddings and funerals. When asked what there were more of, every one of them said there were more funeral images. We view life as a record of the past. 
  • We can remove the mask to reveal the true self
  • Muscle testing: we can talk to the subconscious mind as it remembers everything that has happened 
  • The governing Meridien of our body goes over the centre of our head from front to back – and down the spine – we can release emotions with a magnet (as the emotions are electromagnetic) when intentions are set. 
  • Everything is LIGHT
  • What to do when experiencing a negative emotion like stress? Slow down, go for a walk, get into nature, get some sunshine – it clears it
  • Life is not about what happens to us, it’s about how we respond to life, that creates our destiny 
  • If you’re wondering about what emotions might be trapped, you can put your hand on your heart and say “I’m afraid of______” and once it’s brought to the surface, and experienced, it can be released in 10 minutes
  • Fear itself is not the challenge, it’s hiding fear which becomes a trapped emotion
  • Reconnect to your spiritual integrity and the universe works with you, and it becomes fun
  • Western Medicine works on 7 endocrine glands. Eastern medicine talks about 7 chakras. Colours of different foods, fuel different colours of the chakras. Pure water addresses every colour – hence the colours of the rainbow (of which there are 7) 
  • Embrace stress, pain and any negative emotion with an attitude of gratitude
  • MAX PLANK QUOTE – find it
  • Which music speaks to you? Listen to it, see how it raises your vibration, your energy, sends goose bumps down your spine. Harmonics are powerful – it’s all frequency. It can life your mood in an instant. 
  • Digestion consumes a lot of energy. Fasting is powerful in stimulating healing in the body. Every animal on Earth fasts after getting sick. Some will consume grasses so they throw them up and clean themselves out. 
  • Foods create moods – water – drink juices from coloured vegetables
  • “Infinite Love And Gratitude” and sign signal, simple, free and powerful
  • Low vibration emotions of unworthiness, shame and guilt can be transferred into positive emotions – rewrite story from the inside out.
  • Dousing – pendulum – a tool that can be used to release trapped emotions
  • Emotions affect liver health. A 90-day liver detox by consuming juicing lemons can help to regenerate a whole new liver. The liver takes 90 days to completely renew
  • The skin takes 28 days to fully renew
  • Women can consume organic dark chocolate 3 days prior to their menstrual cycle to avoid pain and support emotions
  • When a heart wall (trapped emotion) is released, it can help us not just internally, but to attract our perfect partner, and abundance, health and vitality.
  • When we act in alignment with the soul, health is brought into our body 
  • Stop striving. Start being. 
  • The universe helps us when we’re in alignment. 
  • Emotion = Life Force
  • Change the inner world, to change the outer world
  • Suffering states are driven by the emotions of stress
  • There is an intelligence within us, that we all have access to. It gives nature its perfection, us life, gives us new cells each and every day. We are an extension of this Source Energy. 
  • Most people spend 98% of their lives on things that don’t matter
  • Remove the blocks to abundance, to relationships, to love, to vitality
  • You can’t change people – your partner / mother / friend – you can only change you
  • When we have passion for life, and purpose, self-care becomes natural and easy
  • Everyone has within them, a belief of their own greatness

Alain Herriott – The Wonder Method
Dr Bradley Nelson – The Emotion Code
Dr Darren Weissman – The Lifeline Technique
Dr Joe Dispenza – Reinvention of Self
Don Tolman – Whole Foods Exper t
Nassim Haramein – The Resonance Project
Neale Donald Walsch – Author of Conversations with God Raymon Grace – Master Dowser
Robert G. Smith – Faster EFT
Rob Van Overbruggen PhD – Meta Medicine
Sonia Choquette – 6th Sensory Living
Tracey Rosser – Kinesiologist

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The Person Who Takes Medicine Must Heal Twice Tue, 12 May 2015 17:35:58 +0000 “Your Body’s Ability To Heal Is Greater Than Anyone Has Allowed You To Believe” – Neil Cannon (Unknown actually, so I claimed it 😀)

Imagine if…

  • It is now known that we are in full control of 95% of all illness and disease available to us…
  • The science of epigenetics has proven that our genes are turned on or off dependent on the environment we keep in our bodies…
  • Only 5% of “illnesses” and “diseases” are a result of genes that are “fully penetrant” – which means that the genes cannot be influenced or expressed – turned on – by choices we make…
  • We replaced “illness” or “disease” with “symptom of_________________which would empower us to ask better questions about what might be happening…
    • Eg. #Eczema is a symptom of inflammation
    • E.g #Asthma is a symptom of inflammation of the bronchial tubes?
    • Multiple sclerosis is symptom of #chronic inflammation and Leaky Gut…
  • We disregarded the words chronic disease completely and regarded symptoms as a powerful gift from our body telling us something is out of balance
  • Symptoms are really powerful messengers / communications from our body indicating change is needed
  • Our body is an immensely powerful self-healing machine
  • Drugs, whilst effective and useful in emergencies, only mask symptoms which is the equivalent of “shooting the messenger”
  • Symptoms are powerful messengers from our body to indicate change is needed
  • Every symptom has a #rootcause
  • Drugs mask symptoms and allow you to survive (not thrive) – and put you into survival mode. Not allowing you to THRIVE.
  • Drugs ALLOW the root cause to worsen UNNOTICED because they have shot the messenger
  • Every drug BAR NONE comes with side effects
  • Drugs are a result of Carnegie & Rockefeller Medicine when they reshaped the entire medical system as we know it today, in 1910, to steer education taught to doctors to make it about drugs they were manufacturing
  • 1/3 of apparent results from drugs are a result of the Placebo Effect
  • 1/3 of cases of drug use result in serious side effects
  • Most common illnesses and chronic disease are a result of chronic inflammation (The Vitality Secret “Secret”) – that can be reversed entirely using holistic approaches
  • Alternative IS to become mainstream
  • Emotions have more power over your body and immune system than you may realise
  • Heal your gut -> Heal Your Body
  • Nothing is more powerful than your belief that you can heal your own body
  • The mind-body connection is very real and scientifically proven
  • “Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food” – Hippocrates

Once more:

“Your ability to heal your own body is greater than anyone has allowed you to believe”

I’m Neil Cannon, and I’m here to radically empower you to take full control of your health, so you can become free of symptoms, pain and medication, and live a life rich in vitality. Ignite Your Inner Healer….  have a look around and see if my message and results resonate with you. I hope you find it valuable. Next Page…

Nutritional advice that will keep you training Tue, 12 May 2015 17:35:35 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pretium, tortor vitae porttitor suscipit, sapien purus aliquet risus, eu finibus arcu ante nec risus. Mauris porta a massa sed consectetur. Fusce porta, quam sit amet tincidunt facilisis, ipsum enim semper nunc, ut sodales ipsum lectus eget dolor. Duis non dapibus elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel leo egestas, finibus felis ac, luctus felis. Nunc mattis elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus eros mi, dapibus sed enim quis, ullamcorper eleifend nunc. Pellentesque ex eros, venenatis in enim nec, facilisis tincidunt sapien. Quisque porttitor, urna a venenatis eleifend, lacus leo tempus elit, et rutrum nisi libero pulvinar ante. Vestibulum faucibus odio eget tellus maximus vestibulum. In eget eros et massa blandit sagittis. Nullam hendrerit, metus eget varius scelerisque, nisl urna venenatis odio, pharetra pharetra lectus justo aliquet quam.

Integer ac metus mi. Etiam eget arcu quis ligula ullamcorper hendrerit nec at neque. Vestibulum sed mauris tincidunt, tristique tellus sed, fermentum sapien. Phasellus pretium vestibulum est in porta. Mauris fringilla dapibus lectus vel venenatis. Nulla mauris nisl, iaculis non maximus eu, aliquam eget magna. Fusce magna massa, fringilla id posuere at, accumsan ut erat. Phasellus commodo molestie diam at laoreet. Maecenas lacinia justo in nulla dapibus, a luctus orci sagittis. Nulla ac semper urna.

Quisque pellentesque, eros non condimentum auctor, nibh arcu faucibus mi, eu lacinia erat ex nec dui. Suspendisse tincidunt lorem a turpis faucibus aliquet. Nunc eu ultrices mauris, in venenatis urna. Vivamus lobortis lorem ligula, sit amet faucibus magna venenatis a. Ut lobortis nunc urna, vel rhoncus nisl convallis eu. Vestibulum porta tellus justo, a elementum urna imperdiet at. Etiam et facilisis dui. Proin ut libero sodales, bibendum est in, elementum risus. Sed tincidunt, eros sed feugiat commodo, purus odio blandit neque, vitae maximus felis eros et erat. Sed gravida nunc a nulla iaculis iaculis. Pellentesque eget massa rhoncus ligula porta ullamcorper.

Simple principles for your next workout Tue, 12 May 2015 17:34:23 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pretium, tortor vitae porttitor suscipit, sapien purus aliquet risus, eu finibus arcu ante nec risus. Mauris porta a massa sed consectetur. Fusce porta, quam sit amet tincidunt facilisis, ipsum enim semper nunc, ut sodales ipsum lectus eget dolor. Duis non dapibus elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel leo egestas, finibus felis ac, luctus felis. Nunc mattis elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus eros mi, dapibus sed enim quis, ullamcorper eleifend nunc. Pellentesque ex eros, venenatis in enim nec, facilisis tincidunt sapien. Quisque porttitor, urna a venenatis eleifend, lacus leo tempus elit, et rutrum nisi libero pulvinar ante. Vestibulum faucibus odio eget tellus maximus vestibulum. In eget eros et massa blandit sagittis. Nullam hendrerit, metus eget varius scelerisque, nisl urna venenatis odio, pharetra pharetra lectus justo aliquet quam.

Integer ac metus mi. Etiam eget arcu quis ligula ullamcorper hendrerit nec at neque. Vestibulum sed mauris tincidunt, tristique tellus sed, fermentum sapien. Phasellus pretium vestibulum est in porta. Mauris fringilla dapibus lectus vel venenatis. Nulla mauris nisl, iaculis non maximus eu, aliquam eget magna. Fusce magna massa, fringilla id posuere at, accumsan ut erat. Phasellus commodo molestie diam at laoreet. Maecenas lacinia justo in nulla dapibus, a luctus orci sagittis. Nulla ac semper urna.

Quisque pellentesque, eros non condimentum auctor, nibh arcu faucibus mi, eu lacinia erat ex nec dui. Suspendisse tincidunt lorem a turpis faucibus aliquet. Nunc eu ultrices mauris, in venenatis urna. Vivamus lobortis lorem ligula, sit amet faucibus magna venenatis a. Ut lobortis nunc urna, vel rhoncus nisl convallis eu. Vestibulum porta tellus justo, a elementum urna imperdiet at. Etiam et facilisis dui. Proin ut libero sodales, bibendum est in, elementum risus. Sed tincidunt, eros sed feugiat commodo, purus odio blandit neque, vitae maximus felis eros et erat. Sed gravida nunc a nulla iaculis iaculis. Pellentesque eget massa rhoncus ligula porta ullamcorper.

To be number one, train like you’re number two Tue, 12 May 2015 17:33:19 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pretium, tortor vitae porttitor suscipit, sapien purus aliquet risus, eu finibus arcu ante nec risus. Mauris porta a massa sed consectetur. Fusce porta, quam sit amet tincidunt facilisis, ipsum enim semper nunc, ut sodales ipsum lectus eget dolor. Duis non dapibus elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel leo egestas, finibus felis ac, luctus felis. Nunc mattis elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus eros mi, dapibus sed enim quis, ullamcorper eleifend nunc. Pellentesque ex eros, venenatis in enim nec, facilisis tincidunt sapien. Quisque porttitor, urna a venenatis eleifend, lacus leo tempus elit, et rutrum nisi libero pulvinar ante. Vestibulum faucibus odio eget tellus maximus vestibulum. In eget eros et massa blandit sagittis. Nullam hendrerit, metus eget varius scelerisque, nisl urna venenatis odio, pharetra pharetra lectus justo aliquet quam.

Integer ac metus mi. Etiam eget arcu quis ligula ullamcorper hendrerit nec at neque. Vestibulum sed mauris tincidunt, tristique tellus sed, fermentum sapien. Phasellus pretium vestibulum est in porta. Mauris fringilla dapibus lectus vel venenatis. Nulla mauris nisl, iaculis non maximus eu, aliquam eget magna. Fusce magna massa, fringilla id posuere at, accumsan ut erat. Phasellus commodo molestie diam at laoreet. Maecenas lacinia justo in nulla dapibus, a luctus orci sagittis. Nulla ac semper urna.

Quisque pellentesque, eros non condimentum auctor, nibh arcu faucibus mi, eu lacinia erat ex nec dui. Suspendisse tincidunt lorem a turpis faucibus aliquet. Nunc eu ultrices mauris, in venenatis urna. Vivamus lobortis lorem ligula, sit amet faucibus magna venenatis a. Ut lobortis nunc urna, vel rhoncus nisl convallis eu. Vestibulum porta tellus justo, a elementum urna imperdiet at. Etiam et facilisis dui. Proin ut libero sodales, bibendum est in, elementum risus. Sed tincidunt, eros sed feugiat commodo, purus odio blandit neque, vitae maximus felis eros et erat. Sed gravida nunc a nulla iaculis iaculis. Pellentesque eget massa rhoncus ligula porta ullamcorper.

The myths of shedding body fat explored Tue, 12 May 2015 17:33:08 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pretium, tortor vitae porttitor suscipit, sapien purus aliquet risus, eu finibus arcu ante nec risus. Mauris porta a massa sed consectetur. Fusce porta, quam sit amet tincidunt facilisis, ipsum enim semper nunc, ut sodales ipsum lectus eget dolor. Duis non dapibus elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel leo egestas, finibus felis ac, luctus felis. Nunc mattis elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus eros mi, dapibus sed enim quis, ullamcorper eleifend nunc. Pellentesque ex eros, venenatis in enim nec, facilisis tincidunt sapien. Quisque porttitor, urna a venenatis eleifend, lacus leo tempus elit, et rutrum nisi libero pulvinar ante. Vestibulum faucibus odio eget tellus maximus vestibulum. In eget eros et massa blandit sagittis. Nullam hendrerit, metus eget varius scelerisque, nisl urna venenatis odio, pharetra pharetra lectus justo aliquet quam.

Integer ac metus mi. Etiam eget arcu quis ligula ullamcorper hendrerit nec at neque. Vestibulum sed mauris tincidunt, tristique tellus sed, fermentum sapien. Phasellus pretium vestibulum est in porta. Mauris fringilla dapibus lectus vel venenatis. Nulla mauris nisl, iaculis non maximus eu, aliquam eget magna. Fusce magna massa, fringilla id posuere at, accumsan ut erat. Phasellus commodo molestie diam at laoreet. Maecenas lacinia justo in nulla dapibus, a luctus orci sagittis. Nulla ac semper urna.

Quisque pellentesque, eros non condimentum auctor, nibh arcu faucibus mi, eu lacinia erat ex nec dui. Suspendisse tincidunt lorem a turpis faucibus aliquet. Nunc eu ultrices mauris, in venenatis urna. Vivamus lobortis lorem ligula, sit amet faucibus magna venenatis a. Ut lobortis nunc urna, vel rhoncus nisl convallis eu. Vestibulum porta tellus justo, a elementum urna imperdiet at. Etiam et facilisis dui. Proin ut libero sodales, bibendum est in, elementum risus. Sed tincidunt, eros sed feugiat commodo, purus odio blandit neque, vitae maximus felis eros et erat. Sed gravida nunc a nulla iaculis iaculis. Pellentesque eget massa rhoncus ligula porta ullamcorper.

Top 5 mistakes every gym member makes Tue, 12 May 2015 17:32:36 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pretium, tortor vitae porttitor suscipit, sapien purus aliquet risus, eu finibus arcu ante nec risus. Mauris porta a massa sed consectetur. Fusce porta, quam sit amet tincidunt facilisis, ipsum enim semper nunc, ut sodales ipsum lectus eget dolor. Duis non dapibus elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel leo egestas, finibus felis ac, luctus felis. Nunc mattis elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus eros mi, dapibus sed enim quis, ullamcorper eleifend nunc. Pellentesque ex eros, venenatis in enim nec, facilisis tincidunt sapien. Quisque porttitor, urna a venenatis eleifend, lacus leo tempus elit, et rutrum nisi libero pulvinar ante. Vestibulum faucibus odio eget tellus maximus vestibulum. In eget eros et massa blandit sagittis. Nullam hendrerit, metus eget varius scelerisque, nisl urna venenatis odio, pharetra pharetra lectus justo aliquet quam.

Integer ac metus mi. Etiam eget arcu quis ligula ullamcorper hendrerit nec at neque. Vestibulum sed mauris tincidunt, tristique tellus sed, fermentum sapien. Phasellus pretium vestibulum est in porta. Mauris fringilla dapibus lectus vel venenatis. Nulla mauris nisl, iaculis non maximus eu, aliquam eget magna. Fusce magna massa, fringilla id posuere at, accumsan ut erat. Phasellus commodo molestie diam at laoreet. Maecenas lacinia justo in nulla dapibus, a luctus orci sagittis. Nulla ac semper urna.

Quisque pellentesque, eros non condimentum auctor, nibh arcu faucibus mi, eu lacinia erat ex nec dui. Suspendisse tincidunt lorem a turpis faucibus aliquet. Nunc eu ultrices mauris, in venenatis urna. Vivamus lobortis lorem ligula, sit amet faucibus magna venenatis a. Ut lobortis nunc urna, vel rhoncus nisl convallis eu. Vestibulum porta tellus justo, a elementum urna imperdiet at. Etiam et facilisis dui. Proin ut libero sodales, bibendum est in, elementum risus. Sed tincidunt, eros sed feugiat commodo, purus odio blandit neque, vitae maximus felis eros et erat. Sed gravida nunc a nulla iaculis iaculis. Pellentesque eget massa rhoncus ligula porta ullamcorper.

Most popular new workout methods Tue, 12 May 2015 17:01:28 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pretium, tortor vitae porttitor suscipit, sapien purus aliquet risus, eu finibus arcu ante nec risus. Mauris porta a massa sed consectetur. Fusce porta, quam sit amet tincidunt facilisis, ipsum enim semper nunc, ut sodales ipsum lectus eget dolor. Duis non dapibus elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel leo egestas, finibus felis ac, luctus felis. Nunc mattis elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus eros mi, dapibus sed enim quis, ullamcorper eleifend nunc. Pellentesque ex eros, venenatis in enim nec, facilisis tincidunt sapien. Quisque porttitor, urna a venenatis eleifend, lacus leo tempus elit, et rutrum nisi libero pulvinar ante. Vestibulum faucibus odio eget tellus maximus vestibulum. In eget eros et massa blandit sagittis. Nullam hendrerit, metus eget varius scelerisque, nisl urna venenatis odio, pharetra pharetra lectus justo aliquet quam.

Integer ac metus mi. Etiam eget arcu quis ligula ullamcorper hendrerit nec at neque. Vestibulum sed mauris tincidunt, tristique tellus sed, fermentum sapien. Phasellus pretium vestibulum est in porta. Mauris fringilla dapibus lectus vel venenatis. Nulla mauris nisl, iaculis non maximus eu, aliquam eget magna. Fusce magna massa, fringilla id posuere at, accumsan ut erat. Phasellus commodo molestie diam at laoreet. Maecenas lacinia justo in nulla dapibus, a luctus orci sagittis. Nulla ac semper urna.

Quisque pellentesque, eros non condimentum auctor, nibh arcu faucibus mi, eu lacinia erat ex nec dui. Suspendisse tincidunt lorem a turpis faucibus aliquet. Nunc eu ultrices mauris, in venenatis urna. Vivamus lobortis lorem ligula, sit amet faucibus magna venenatis a. Ut lobortis nunc urna, vel rhoncus nisl convallis eu. Vestibulum porta tellus justo, a elementum urna imperdiet at. Etiam et facilisis dui. Proin ut libero sodales, bibendum est in, elementum risus. Sed tincidunt, eros sed feugiat commodo, purus odio blandit neque, vitae maximus felis eros et erat. Sed gravida nunc a nulla iaculis iaculis. Pellentesque eget massa rhoncus ligula porta ullamcorper.

10 ways to improve your strength Tue, 12 May 2015 17:00:20 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pretium, tortor vitae porttitor suscipit, sapien purus aliquet risus, eu finibus arcu ante nec risus. Mauris porta a massa sed consectetur. Fusce porta, quam sit amet tincidunt facilisis, ipsum enim semper nunc, ut sodales ipsum lectus eget dolor. Duis non dapibus elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel leo egestas, finibus felis ac, luctus felis. Nunc mattis elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus eros mi, dapibus sed enim quis, ullamcorper eleifend nunc. Pellentesque ex eros, venenatis in enim nec, facilisis tincidunt sapien. Quisque porttitor, urna a venenatis eleifend, lacus leo tempus elit, et rutrum nisi libero pulvinar ante. Vestibulum faucibus odio eget tellus maximus vestibulum. In eget eros et massa blandit sagittis. Nullam hendrerit, metus eget varius scelerisque, nisl urna venenatis odio, pharetra pharetra lectus justo aliquet quam.

Integer ac metus mi. Etiam eget arcu quis ligula ullamcorper hendrerit nec at neque. Vestibulum sed mauris tincidunt, tristique tellus sed, fermentum sapien. Phasellus pretium vestibulum est in porta. Mauris fringilla dapibus lectus vel venenatis. Nulla mauris nisl, iaculis non maximus eu, aliquam eget magna. Fusce magna massa, fringilla id posuere at, accumsan ut erat. Phasellus commodo molestie diam at laoreet. Maecenas lacinia justo in nulla dapibus, a luctus orci sagittis. Nulla ac semper urna.

Quisque pellentesque, eros non condimentum auctor, nibh arcu faucibus mi, eu lacinia erat ex nec dui. Suspendisse tincidunt lorem a turpis faucibus aliquet. Nunc eu ultrices mauris, in venenatis urna. Vivamus lobortis lorem ligula, sit amet faucibus magna venenatis a. Ut lobortis nunc urna, vel rhoncus nisl convallis eu. Vestibulum porta tellus justo, a elementum urna imperdiet at. Etiam et facilisis dui. Proin ut libero sodales, bibendum est in, elementum risus. Sed tincidunt, eros sed feugiat commodo, purus odio blandit neque, vitae maximus felis eros et erat. Sed gravida nunc a nulla iaculis iaculis. Pellentesque eget massa rhoncus ligula porta ullamcorper.
